Monday, February 17, 2014

The Evolution of Valentine's Day

Oh how the meaning of Valentine's Day has changed for Nick and I. I can remember many Valentine's Days from our past. Days filled with sweet cards, surprises, flowers, gifts, candy, romance... A day filled with expectations and anticipation...good times.

Fast forward.

Present Day.

What do you buy each other when you have been married for a little over a decade, and you have three children 4 years old and under? This...

Two over sized coffee mugs.
Bring on the romance.
It's purely survival, folks.
Oddly enough, though, we are both good with the evolution of this day. Our love has grown, and changed. We are a team taking on these children. We have never been more of a team than we are now. And although flowers and sweet cards are nice, a mature love with mutual understanding is, dare I say, better? Life is change. You adjust, and you move forward.
Our hearts have never been more full. Our lives have never been so enriched. Life is, indeed, good.
*On another note, I am almost ready to share my adventure that was--Snowpocalypse 2014. It's still not funny to me, but you probably will not share that sentiment. Coming very soon... *

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